All Asia

List of Adventist Universities in Asia.

Adventist Universities in Asia are located amng the following countries:

Indonesia, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Philippines, Malasya, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar among others.

Search and explore our list of adventist universities and colleges in asian countries.

Adventist College Of Nursing and Health Sciences

Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies

Adventist University of the Philippines

Asia-Pacific International University

Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College

Central Philippine Adventist College

Flaiz Adventist College

Hong Kong Adventist College

Lowry Adventist College

Manila Adventist Medical Center and Colleges

METAS of Seventh-day Adventist College

Mindanao Sanitarium and Hospital College

Mountain View College

Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary

Naga View Adventist College

Northeast Adventist College

Northern Luzon Adventist College


Pakistan Adventist Seminary and College

Roorkee Adventist Community College

Rusangu University

Sahmyook Bogeon Daehak

Sahmyook University

Saniku Gakuin College

South Philippine Adventist College

Spicer Adventist University

Taiwan Adventist College

Universitas Advent Indonesia

Universitas Klabat

Vellore Adventist College of Education