Thank you for using and your interest in supporting our project. is an independent, self-supported service. It is not part of The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland or any of its subsidiaries, nor institutions. As such you play an important part in its development. We want to inspire more people to take the life-changing opportunity to travel and study in our Adventist Universities and Colleges around the world.
Though our platforms we are currently reaching an average of over 1900 unique users per week. Our Instagram account (@adventistuniversities), has over 2800 followers in less than 7 months (Oct. 2018). We operate at no cost to our users nor our Adventist institutions, our funding is dependent on sponsorships, ads, and donations. One of our goals is to help, inform and financially support service oriented and motivated individuals to study at our Adventist institutions. We see an immense potential in helping young people study at our Adventist colleges and universities, The CollegeImpact Research showed that students in Adventist educational institutions are more committed to the mission, service oriented, and more spiritually inclined than students at other private or government institutions.
God has allowed us to accomplish important milestones with our limited funds and time. We want to continue touching the lives of individuals around the world with our mission, we are seeking your support in establishing a financial base through a monthly subscription to expand our ministry. Alternatively, you may consider becoming a sponsor or advertising with us. Our current operating budget averages $300 per month, this will continue to be funded through the project’s income and our personal contributions. The operational budget includes software licenses, web hosting, online services, content licenses, designs or editorial help; but it excludes equipment depreciation, office consumables or utilities. Now, I am reaching out to you with the challenge to make a small monthly commitment to secure a financial base from where to expand and grow. We are committed to making every cent you donate meaningful towards accomplishing our goals.
It is easy to contribute, we are using as a subscription service for your pledges/donations as well as our reports. The pledge page can be accessed at where you can support us with an amount of your preference, from 7 to 100 dollars per month. Your pledges will be automatically deducted from your credit card on the first day of every month. If you’re able, we will love it if you could make a commitment to help us achieve our goals.
Please just click on the amount you wish to contribute:
Your small contribution means a lot to us.
Click here to share our mission with your friends.